How a Bankruptcy Attorney Can Help You Declare Personal Bankruptcy

Law Blog

Personal bankruptcy is a legal process that can help individuals who are struggling financially. Bankruptcy, however, can be a complex and confusing process, so you need the help of a bankruptcy attorney. A bankruptcy attorney is a legal professional who specializes in helping clients file for bankruptcy and navigate the entire process.  Evaluate Your Financial Options A bankruptcy attorney will first evaluate your financial situation and determine whether bankruptcy is the best option for you.

14 November 2023

Top Tips For Putting A Stop To Those Annoying Spam Calls

Law Blog

Have you ever picked up the phone only to be met with an annoying automated voice offering you a free cruise or telling you that your car warranty is about to expire? If so, you're not alone. Spam calls are on the rise and can be frustrating and time-consuming to deal with. Fortunately, there are steps you can take to put a stop to them for good. Here are the top tips for stopping spam calls and taking back control of your phone line.

5 October 2023

3 Reasons You Should Never File for Bankruptcy Without a Lawyer

Law Blog

While many jurisdictions do not require you to hire a lawyer in order to pursue personal bankruptcy relief, choosing to take a do-it-yourself approach to this legal proceeding is rarely a good idea. Unfortunately, far too many people choose to take a DIY approach to bankruptcy simply because they don't believe their financial situation will allow them to hire a lawyer. If you are currently thinking about handling your own bankruptcy case, you should take a moment to review the three reasons below why you should never file for bankruptcy without a lawyer.

23 August 2023

3 Important Things To Do After A Bicycle Accident

Law Blog

Many individuals who ride bicycles do so out of sheer enjoyment or for exercise. There are also cyclists who rely on their bikes as a mode of transportation. The average individual does not expect to get on their bike and get involved in an accident. It is easy to realize that a bicycle is not a match for a vehicle. Cyclists who get involved in these accidents can have a wide range of injuries.

17 July 2023

Thinking About Divorce? Consult A Divorce Attorney First

Law Blog

If you're thinking about divorcing your spouse but don't know if it's the right thing to do, consult a divorce attorney soon. Divorce is one of the biggest problems couples face today. Although divorce may seem like the best way to end a troubled relationship or marriage, it may not be in every case. Before you move forward with your divorce, learn why it's important to consult a divorce attorney before you do so below.

12 June 2023

Four Things You Should Understand About A Chapter 7 Bankruptcy

Law Blog

You may have gotten to the point where your debts have overwhelmed you, and you are thinking about filing for bankruptcy because you want a fresh start. This type of bankruptcy is referred to as Chapter 7. However, there are a few things you need to know about this type of bankruptcy. You must qualify for Chapter 7 bankruptcy The idea of just walking away from your debts and starting fresh has great appeal.

2 May 2023

Reasons To Hire A Real Estate Tax Attorney

Law Blog

Do you have an issue with your current property tax assessment? Are you trying to keep your tax bill down on the real estate you own or hoping to use real estate in a way that can shelter you from some taxes? These are all reasons why you might want to look into working with a real estate tax attorney. The right attorney can help you with a variety of different things when it comes to real estate and taxes.

24 March 2023

Strategies To Ensure The Success Of Your Slip And Fall Injury Case

Law Blog

A slip and fall injury case can be complex. To ensure the success of your claim, you need to work with an experienced attorney who understands the process and is prepared to help you through every step of the way. Here are some strategies your attorney can use to maximize the chances of success in your slip and fall injury case. Thoroughly Investigate the Accident After a slip and fall accident, you need to investigate the scene of the incident.

21 February 2023

Who Hit Who? Understanding Fault After An Accident

Law Blog

Chances are, you will think about who was at fault for your accident sooner or later. If your injuries are severe, you might have other things on your mind. However, fault is an extremely important part of an accident case. To find out how fault can affect your case, how it can be determined, and more, read on. Fault Can Make Or Break Your Case Although auto insurance can be viewed as a great equalizer, fault does matter if you want to go beyond being paid for all your damages.

19 January 2023