As people age, one of the things that they frequently think about is their legacy. This term can mean different things for different people. Deciding how you'll divide your estate among your family is an important topic concerning your legacy, but you might also wish to use your money to help others. While people frequently leave requests in their wills to make donations to one or more charities, another avenue that you can explore is setting up a memorial scholarship in your name to allow underprivileged people to seek post-secondary education with money from your estate.
28 November 2018
Debt is a major problem for people throughout the US. This isn't simply because people are bad with money; there are many factors that can result in the best of us finding ourselves under a mountain of debt such as a sudden illness that makes us unable to work. When you're in such a debt crisis, one of the options that you can take is to file for bankruptcy. However, this is not an option a lot of people are scrambling to pick.
18 October 2018
If you are an American citizen and are planning to marry a foreigner, there are certain things you should know because there are many misunderstandings about how the process works. The following are just a few things that you may not be aware of. Your spouse must be in the country legally It is a common misconception that if an American citizen marries a person who is in the country illegally, this person automatically becomes a legal resident and can then obtain a green card.
11 September 2018
One of the biggest questions that you'll need to consider when you're drafting up a living will to share with your family members is whether you should be kept alive via life support. As a result of a serious accident, life-threatening illness, or other medical issues, your care team will need to consult with your immediate family members to ascertain your wishes. When you've provided a living will, your family will know how your doctors should approach your care.
8 August 2018
If you are a business owner or an executive at a large business, your biggest duty is to ensure that the business stays afloat. As such, it's important that you avoid any sort of legal issues or disputes. This article will list three reasons why you and your business may want to consider hiring the help of a commercial litigation attorney. Shareholder Issues When you are a majority shareholder in a business, you may run into more than a few issues; especially when it comes to making big executive decisions.
4 July 2018
If you have just received notification through the mail that you are being called for jury selection and you have never gone through this process before, you might find yourself wondering what you can expect. Keep reading in order to have a better understanding of what you are about to experience. The Selection Process Many people are going to receive the same exact notice that you have, but there are limited seats for the actual jury.
1 June 2018
If you park in a busy downtown area, you likely encounter situations where you are rushing to attain a parking spot so that you aren't late for work. If your vehicle was recently towed for being parked in a tow-away zone that was not clearly marked, you may still be liable for some hefty fines. Keep your cool as you attempt to get your vehicle back and defend yourself during a traffic court hearing.
7 May 2018
When you think about people getting in trouble with the law, you probably think about adults who commit crimes; however, many children find themselves a part of the justice system as well. In many jurisdictions, there is actually a separate juvenile justice system. These systems are generally designed to help rehabilitate minors after they commit crimes to help them get on the right path. If you have never thought about volunteering, you might consider volunteering with your local juvenile justice system.
2 April 2018
When it comes to marriage, not every union goes the distance. Around 40 to 50 percent of marriages end in divorce in the US. The process of divorcing can range from relatively quick and easy to drawn out and difficult. The divorce process can also vary greatly from state to state. Some states require that couples be separated for a certain amount of time before divorcing while other states do not.
27 February 2018
Driving under the influence (DUI) is a dangerous activity irrespective of the type of driver you are. However, the dangers are greater for commercial drivers due to the size of the vehicles they command and the number of hours they spend on the road. This is why commercial truck drivers faced stringent DUI laws as compared to private drivers. Here are some of the things you should know as a commercial driver arrested for DUI:
27 January 2018