Is It True You Don'T Have To Pay A Social Security Disability Lawyer?

Law Blog

Having an attorney help you with your Social Security disability case can significantly increase the odds you'll get approved for benefits. If you're hesitating hiring one because you're afraid you can't afford his or her fees, the good news is that most lawyers work these types of cases on a contingency basis, so you may not have to pay anything upfront. Here's more information about how this works. The Attorney is Paid from Your Benefits

26 December 2017

Wrongful Death Information For The Survivors Of A Victim

Law Blog

A wrongful death can be a tragedy that may leave the survivors of the victim feeling powerless to pursue justice. This can be particularly true when it is determined that the situation fails to rise to the level of criminal conduct. Luckily, wrongful death lawsuits can provide the survivors of the victim with an effective way of fighting for justice. What If Multiple Family Members Want To Pursue A Wrongful Death Claim?

22 November 2017

2 Unique Ways A Dui Lawyer Can Prove Your Breathalyzer Reading Was Inaccurate

Law Blog

If you were arrested and charged with a DUI due to the results of a breathalyzer test, yet know you did not drink enough alcohol before driving to impair your judgement on the road, then you may think that fighting your case in court will be "hopeless" due to the results of the breathalyzer test. However, a good DUI lawyer can help you prove your innocence, even if the breathalyzer detected a BAC over the legal limit in your state.

28 October 2017

Why A Boat Owner May Accuse You Of Contributing To Your Injury

Law Blog

If you are injured in a boating accident, don't be surprised if the boat operator claims that you also contributed to your injuries. This is one of the ways the operator can deflect liability or make you responsible for some of the damages. Here are some of the claims the boat operator might make: You Were Intoxicated Going out on the water in an intoxicated state is dangerous because intoxication impairs judgment and interferes with balance.

5 April 2017

Tips For Successfully Working With Your Auto Accident Attorney To Get The Best Settlement

Law Blog

When you have been involved in a serious automobile accident, it is vital that you work together with your attorney to get a fair settlement for your case. Since you have a broader understanding of your case because you have lived through it, being able to share the right information with your auto accident attorney is important for the outcome of your insurance settlement. While your lawyer is a professional and will work hard to get you the best settlement possible, they do have other cases they are working on and the time they spend with your information is limited.

23 January 2017

3 Means Test Mistakes That Could Derail Your Chapter 7 Bankruptcy Filing

Law Blog

The means test is an important part of the Chapter 7 bankruptcy filing. If your income does not meet the requirements for the test, you cannot file. To keep your petition moving through the bankruptcy court, you need to avoid some of the most commonly made mistakes with the means test.   Incorrectly Claiming Deductions In the means test, you are allowed to deduct some of your expenses from your income to determine if you are eligible to file for a Chapter 7.

17 January 2017

Three Reasons You Need A Real Estate Lawyer

Law Blog

When evaluating your finances and other aspects of your life during the first of the year when everyone is coming up with New Year's Resolutions and making sure things are in order, you likely don't think of adding a real estate attorney to the team of professionals that help you handle your personal affairs. However, while you hopefully won't need the services of a real estate attorney on a daily basis, it is important to establish a relationship with a competent lawyer that practices in this area of the law.

11 January 2017