Bitten By Your Neighbor's Dog? What Can You Do?

Law Blog

A dog bite can cause serious injury and lead to medical bills. When you are bitten by a neighbor's dog, you have a number of issues to face, including whether or not you should sue the owner. Before taking legal action, here is what you need to know about dog bite cases.  Should You Sue? Obviously, your first move should be to work with your neighbor to reach a resolution regarding who is responsible for paying your medical bills and any other related injuries.

1 July 2015

When Can You Receive Your Settlement Payment From A Car Accident?

Law Blog

Once your car accident lawyer has negotiated a settlement with party responsible for your injuries, the next step is to collect your payment. Depending on your situation, this can be difficult sometimes.  When Will You Be Paid? There are various factors that impact when you will receive the payment from your settlement. If your claim was with an insurance company, your attorney most likely ensured that a "pay by" date was included in the settlement offer you accepted.

17 June 2015

Steps To Take If You Are Injured In A Fall At A Convenience Store


Convenience stores can definitely make life easier—it is nice to be able to quickly get in and out of a small store instead of making a trip to a supermarket. But like all retailers, convenience stores are required to ensure that the premises are reasonably safe for customers. One of the most common injuries suffered by convenience store customers are the result of slip and fall accidents, which can cause serious damage to a person.

3 June 2015

3 Situations In Which Legal Separation Might Be Financially Better Than Divorce

Law Blog

When married couples don't want to be together anymore, the move of choice is to file for a divorce. This, however, isn't the only option; you can also file for legal separation. In this case, you remain married (technically), but live apart. In fact, there are situations in which it may be financially beneficial to choose legal separation over divorce. Here are three examples of such situations: If You Need Your Partner's Health Insurance Plan

18 May 2015

Understanding Precisely Why You Need An Accident Attorney

Law Blog

One thing that people often ask is if they need a lawyer or not when it comes to an accident. Of course, if you look around, most lawyers will say you definitely do. Even if you know that you should contact a lawyer, you may not understand why it's so important that you involve a lawyer. You Don't Know the Law The main reason you need to speak to a lawyer is because you don't know the law.

28 April 2015