Suffering From Alzheimer's Disease: The Benefits Of An Estate Plan

Law Blog

Were you recently diagnoses with early symptoms of Alzheimer's disease? Being that you are aware of the symptoms that can be experienced later on as Alzheimer's progresses, it is a good idea to start planning how your estate will be managed if you become incompetent. In this article, discover a few ways that having an estate plan can be helpful for your future.

You Can Put a Living Will in Place

When you plan your estate, you can also make your future medical needs a part of it. For instance, a living will can be drafted up by a lawyer who details how you would like to be cared for. You can appoint someone whom you trust with the authority to choose your physician based on the type of medical care that you need. He or she will also be able to make important decisions such as whether or not to leave you on life support if it becomes necessary. The appointee can also opt for placing you in a nursing home if your condition gets to the point in which constant medical attention is in your best interest.

Division of Your Assets After Death Will Be What You Desire

If you are concerned about who will benefit from assets that are left behind after you are deceased, you can explain how you want things to go in an estate plan. You must also appoint someone to execute the estate plan, which is basically giving someone permission to take the plan to court. The executor will make sure that your wishes are materialized legally with the help of a judge. You can decide how your finances and other valuable assets are distributed. You can also allow the executor to handle any debts that are left behind (or you can choose someone else).

What Does an Estate Attorney Charge to Draft a Plan?

The price that you are charged for an attorney to assist with your estate plan will depend on the complexity of your personal situation. For instance, if you have a lot of assets and beneficiaries, it will require more labor from the attorney. He or she will observe your entire life situation to determine what the best estate plan will be. Expect to pay $800 at a minimum for legal help. Speak to an estate attorney as soon as you can so you can get a head start on planning while you are still in the early stage of Alzheimer's disease!

For more information, go to site or do an online search. 


7 January 2016